5 tips to make 2025 even better

A new year is here, which means a new opportunity to set goals (“resolutions”) and actually keep them this year. Yes, this is the year to actually keep the resolutions you set! What is a great way to start off the year building some certainty that you are going to keep the resolutions that you set for yourself? Tell yourself that you are. 

Yes, it’s that easy. Just tell yourself that you are a person that does what you say you’re going to do. It’s truly amazing how much that helps. Tell yourself it matters. Well, tell yourself whatever is going to keep you doing the things you say that you are going to do. I don’t know what, truly, what it is that will keep you in the game. Fortunately, you do.

Do you want to know the best part of this? That wasn’t even one of my original five! And I even started with it! A truly amazing start to the year. So, without further ado, here are my five ideas to make this year different and keep your goals or maybe go even farther with them if you already do get your goals.

Number one: write down all the excuses you tell yourself. That’s right. Let’s get them all out of the way right now. What are the reasons you tell yourself that keep you from getting goals? No matter how frequently you tell yourself these stories, these reasons write them all out on a piece of paper, in a word document or a spreadsheet. Now that you have all of your top reasons out in front of you the fun begins. Write a new idea, phrase, thought that is the opposite of what that reason is. For the longest time one of my excuses to not write and make content was that it didn’t matter what I had to say. Who the heck is going to write or make videos if they think that nobody cares what they have to say? I sure wasn’t, I can tell you that much.

This one is so important. Truly the things that keep us from taking action on our goals and dreams are inside our head, created by the person you look at in the mirror every morning. Then we take them as if they are fact. When in reality, we can choose whatever story we might want to believe about ourselves or our situation. How come some people thrive in a certain situation and others crumble? Everyone can handle different situations differently because of the stories that they tell themselves about those situations. Here’s the thing. This is an opportunity to get all of those excuses out of the way and open the door to creating something beautiful this year. Which would you like more? Your excuses or your goals? The choice is yours to make - and what you have at the end of the year will be a very good answer to that question.

Moving along, this one may seem quite simple because it is: read more. More specifically, read more intentionally. This year don’t just read because it’s a great thing to keep you from taking action but seems like you’re doing something. Read so that you can learn about what might be getting in the way or be a reason you’re not doing something. I love googling, which has turned into asking ChatGPT, books about certain topics and adding them to my queue. I love learning about new topics that help round out ideas or thoughts that I’m curious about. I love reading to develop a skill. The best part is that most books are written by people that are at the top of their field on these topics! Take a week or two to learn from the best of the best - and you can add that tool to your tool belt. The sooner you have it, the sooner you can have that assistance in going after what you want this year. Start building your list, and be share to the best ones with me! I’m always looking for good recommendations. 

Bonus: podcasts, audiobooks, youtube videos. All of these are completely viable options as well. Find the medium that works for you and lean in. Sure, I’m a book guy, and as long as we are learning from people that have gone before and have good knowledge of a topic or get you thinking about solutions for yourself then that is a win.

Next, do something different. Step outside of your comfort zone and try that idea that might change things for you that you’ve been hesitant to try. It’s ok to mess up, it’s ok to make mistakes, leaning out over the edge is how we get a new vantage point and learn things. Who knows, you might even have some fun. That might even be a fun new mantra for the year: “new things are fun.” Having more fun in life is certainly something that I am focusing on more. It doesn’t work all the time, and I’m getting better at it. The best part is that now I am making attempts. It’s happening bit by bit. 

Four goes along with three: do it every day. Success is a process, success comes from habits. Find that thing that will lead to more of the success and life that you want to create and then do it every day. Take that new year resolution and tell yourself that this is a new daily habit. Are there going to be slips? Quite possibly, yes. Get right back up and keep going again. Life isn’t about perfection. It’s about getting better and making progress. And, do these things every day. The more you do them the better and easier it gets to keep going.

Finally, talk about the things that you want in life. What kinds of relationships do you want? What kind of work do you want to be doing? How do you want your days to be? What do you want in your health? When answering these questions, and talking about anything quite frankly, talk about the things that you want. I want to have a great day. I want to meet a friend that is kind, a great listener, and also enjoys watching all the movies I enjoy. I’m going to have fun cooking dinner tonight. What you focus on your subconscious goes out into the world to find for you. So, if you’re focusing on things you don’t want, guess what you will find! This isn’t about what you are literally saying. Sure, you’re saying that you don’t want those things and what are you talking about and putting your energy toward? What you DO NOT want. Your thoughts are like magnets. The more you think about something the more it comes into your line of sight. 

Have a great year. I know that I’m looking forward to creating some new habits, new opportunities, and taking action on new things this year. I hope that these things help you as much as they have helped me! Cheers to 2025!


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